Sensasi Baru Virtual Launching Emina Slice Cheese 2020

Sensasi Baru Virtual Launching Emina Slice Cheese 2020

Sensasi Baru Virtual Launching Emina Slice Cheese 2020

January 21, 2021

Emina Cheese has launched new product, Emina Slice Cheese with 3 variants, Emina Slice Cheese Cedda, sensation of delicious tasteful cheddar, Emina Slice Cheese Mozza, combination taste of Mozza & Cheeda, first in Indonesia and Emina Slice Cheese Choco, combination taste of chocolate & cheddar, first in Indonesia.

The Virtual event of Slice Cheese launch which took place via ZOOM & Youtube. Emina Slice Cheese has its communication, “Ada Cinta di Pagi Hari”, like the love of a mother to her children by preparing breakfast in the morning. The Virtual Event was enlivened with talk show about healthy breakfast in the morning with Dr. Jualita Surapsari Sp.GK., M.Gizi and Live Cooking with Emina Cheese’s Chef

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